Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Madness

When did I get in trouble the most growing up? It would be after Sunday nap. My brothers and sisters and I would have this burst of energy and since it was Sunday and we were supposed to be keeping the Sabbath day holy, we got BORED! Let me explain. We did things like:
1. have pillow fights
2. stuff pillows up our shirts and run around trying to knock each other down by hitting the other person in the stomach (like sumo wrestlers)
3. Make concoctions with anything we could find in the fridge and dare a sibling to drink it. Ewww gross!
4. Have towel whipping wars where you would wet the tip of a kitchen hand towel and flick it at a sibling. It inevitably left welts and someone always ended up crying to mom...won't say any names:-)
5. Built huge amazing forts using every blanket, chair, sofa cushion, broom, etc. Then we wouldn't clean it up.
6. Full on tag wrestle where two are in the ring and wrestle until they get tired and tag another person to come in the ring (usually drawn with chalk on the carpet) and take their place.
Every once in a while we would do nice things like bake cookies and deliver them to friends or write missionaries letters. But no matter what we would almost always get in trouble for being too rowdy, silly, hurting someone, etc. We didn't understand it then, but I'm sure we never really made it a day of rest for my parents. Good times and good memories. What brought this on was watching Brian and Madison holding up pillows while standing on the bed running into each other and pushing each other down. Then I turn around 5 minutes later to Madison saying, "Look at our house." Brian had made a house on our bed using pillows, sheets, and cushions from downstairs. It wasn't the best construction and it fell. Madison was almost it tears as she said, "You broke our house." Brian then moved the party to downstairs and I have yet to see what they are building. I hope it's sturdier than the first one:-)


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

What a good laugh I had at reading your memories of our pleaceful, pleasant, calm Sundays :) Your children are now making memories and I am so pleased you and Brian are in those memories.

Tamara said...

I too enjoyed hearing about your family Sunday "activities" It brought back a lot of memories of our own family on Sunday....sounds like Brian is continuing the traditions. Love & Miss you

Tamara said...

I too enjoyed reading of your family Sunday "activities" It brought back a lot of memories of our own family...sounds like Brian is continuing some of our traditions :) love and miss you lots!