Saturday, September 06, 2008

Abigail's Eating Solids!

I decided when she started biting (and she has two teeth), I would introduce the solids in case we have to wean her...She likes it, but it's a work out. I feel like only some gets in and she has to work so hard at it!!!! Did I really look like her when I was learning to eat? How embarrassing and cute!


Emily said...

I feel the same way about Cannon. He has to work so hard at it, and I wonder how much is really going in his mouth, and not just on his bib. He also has two teeth and has to put everything in his mouth!

lisa said...

Peyton is just starting to eat solids and she also has two teeth!!! I need to blog more about her or just blog more perod! I love the quote. Again your kids are so cute!!!