Monday, September 22, 2008

Funny Sayings...

S: "I can't wait to go camping. I want to roast marsh mellows by a fire."
M: "Can you be patient?"
S: "Yes."
M: "Good."
This was out of the blue, but I guess I ask her to be patient all the time, so it was her turn.

M: "I go and get my book ok mommy? I be back."

M: "I not say no, no, no. I not run parking lot. Get hurt. That bad. I say ok mommy."
She has been yelling 'no' at me lately so we keep on having talks about it and so on the way to the grocery store today I asked her is she was going to be good and this is the line she gave me. We have been working on our listening skills and for her to say 'ok mommy' when I tell her it's time to go or come here.

Brian was getting Madison ready for bed and she decided she needed to go to the bathroom first. Then when she got off the toilet she began doing stretches all over the house. She would lean up against a wall and pretend to stretch her calves and then go over to a chair and do the same thing. Brian and I were just laughing! She was completely naked which made it even more funny!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

What a hilarious little girl!

I can only imagine... :)

And what a great husband you have! Gotta appreciate a good guy like him!!!

And hey, tomorrow is the day. Officially. I will call you. Really. :) PROMISE...WITH PINKIES AND ALL!