Monday, September 08, 2008

Potty What?

Why did I think I could potty train a two year old? Do we come with the hardware for this type of thing? I know people have been doing it forever, so why can't I? Maybe it's just not time. When Madison comes to me and says, "I went poop" and I go downstairs and looked in the toilet and I said, "Madison there isn't anything in the toilet." She proceeded to pick up her big girl underpants and show was urine. She doesn't even know the difference between the two! I guess I may just be jumping the gun since I am tired of changing her poopy diapers and spending money to do such an act. I may just need to read some books. Any suggestions would be great! I am new at this and it scares me to death. I am learning that most things are washable, poop can mean urine or bowel movement, I needed 20 underwear instead of just 10:-) and I don't know everything as a mother. I have been dreading this since she was born...I know early, but I just don't know how kids get it. We are housebound at the moment and it may be a futile attempt. At least I tried right?


Rachel Holloway said...

Jenna didn't potty train till after she was 3. It took her a few days and she has never turned back. That was after 3-4 FAILED attempts.

You could always wait a few more months. It is amazing how much changes in that short of time. And really, I would MUCH rather wipe poop off a bum that wore a diaper than our of underwear where it all gets smeared and nasty and takes forever to get out. EWWWWW....

Wolfley Family said...

Oh boy! Welcome to the "wonderful" world of potty training.... it definitely works best when they're ready (parents tend to be ready before the kids - but then in the middle of the process you start wondering if diapers just wouldn't be the easier route). We did decent with Kaitlyn's potty training, but then found a book that we used for Chase's that was much better than the way we did Kaitlyn's. It's called, "Potty Train in Three Days" by Lois Kleint. I got it off Amazon a few years ago for $4 but it looks like the price has raised. Maybe your library has it. I loaned it to a friend and could get it back to mail to you if you can't track it down for a price you want to pay (I'm all about cheap myself :)). Technically it did take about 8 days with Chase instead of 3, but it has you potty train day and night simultaneously - and since he potty trained over a year and a half ago, he's had maybe 5 bedtime/naptime accidents total. The method we did with Kaitlyn had us do days first, then sleeping time second - well, she definitely had more accidents during sleeping time. Anyway, you can find lists online of signs that they're ready. I tried Kaitlyn three different times before it took - I started right when she turned 2, then 3 months later and then another 3 months. At the 2 1/2 mark she did great. Chase (I was always told boys were harder anyway so I waited a little longer to have a breather between potty training kids) was one month past his 3rd birthday and took to it right away. In fact, we had a 14 hour road trip coming up 2 months past his birthday and I wanted him potty trained for it - he did awesome! I guess I could've emailed this to you.... didn't know it was going to be so lengthy :)

Kristen M said...

Hey Sarah. We potty trained Clark a few months ago. It definitely wasn't easy. But, I really like most of the concepts in the book "Toilet Training in Less than a Day" by Nathan H. Azrin & Richard M. Foxx. We based our efforts on this book (after several recommendations from friends for it). I didn't use a portable potty seat like they have in the book, just one that sits on top of the toilet to make the seat smaller so they don't fall in (personal preference). I made a sticker chart as well that led up to a prize he picked out at the store (a $6.00 truck) - as well as a couple other smaller prizes along the way (playdough, bubbles, etc). I'm all for bribery :) At first he got to put a sticker on for actually going potty in the toilet, and then later moved to putting stickers on if he was dry when i checked. Good luck!!

Brittany and Jason said...

We're totally going through the same thing here, but all I have to say is - I love pull ups. They are great! When you find the cure or magic combination for potty training a 2 year old... let me know!

SP said...

So um, can I have your email address? mine is -

I have some things to send you :)