How fun is this? Brian pulled up Madison's chair to play the piano with him since she insisted on playing with him! It was so fun. I don't know if you can tell, but she is closing her eyes and moving her head and body around like Brian is. They are playing piano man. I wish we could have video taped it, but our camera died that has that feature. It was adorable.

She kept looking over at her daddy to see what he was doing so he could copy it. She loved it!

I love taking pictures of her hands. They are so cute and chubby:-) She just loved playing...have I said that enough. I hope she wants to take lessons one day. Maybe I could take with her and learn again. It's been a while:-)

These pictures are adorable! Maybe Madison will be a piano player like Brian someday. It looks like she adores him!
We LOVED these pictures of Brian and Madison at the piano. Brought back so many memories of our own children when they were little. Thanks, Sarah, for posting so many pictures. It helps us feel like we are part of our granddaughters growing up years...since we can't be there day by day. Love Grandpa and Grandma Evans
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