One day this will be embarasing to Madison...but for now she was not embarassed at all. She demanded to have my pump right in front of my friends we were having a play date with. She pulled up her shirt, put the pump on, and sat there for about 5 minutes pumping. She got upset that no milk came out, but she wouldn't stop. It made us all laugh. She copies all I do.
A. was smiling at her mom. She is so adorable and looks like a good mix of her mom and dad. She is two months younger than Abby, so they will be good friends until they leave:-)
Madison fed Abby her entire bottle and kept saying, "I a big siser." She loves to feed Abby, change her diaper, and sing to her. She wanted to drink Abby's milk so she kept telling me "Abby not hungry." She asks me while I am feeding if it's her turn. I have to explain to her that she is a big girl and doesn't drink from mommy anymore. She keeps me laughing.
Madison with the pump got a chuckle out of me! She is such a wonderful big sister.
Hey, it's your husband's cousin's wife, Tiffany! I love your blog, I just saw Emily at G-ma Evans's 98th, and she gave me her blog address, and in turn I got to yours! You guys need to teach me some of your photographing skills!!! :)
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