Funny story...Madison always wants to do what Brian and I do. So this yesterday I wanted to wear my favorite pants, but they have holes in them, so I just duck taped them. Madison threw a fit insisting that she have duck tape on her shorts too. I finally gave in and put some on the back where I put mine. I totally forgot about it until that night when we had both taken off our pants and I saw the duck tape on just made me smile and I had to take a picture of it.

Some of Madison's new quotes are:
M: "I go on a date."
S: "Who are you going to go on a date with?"
M: "Carter, Sister, Abby."
S: "What are you going to do."
M: shrugs shoulders and says, "play with Carter."
"I ride in an airplane yeserday (yesterday). It's a BIG one." (her eyes always get big when talking about airplanes)
Your duck tape pants made me think of the canoe dad borrows from the Haynes. It has a hole in the bottom so dad duck taped the hole and it has lasted several trips to the lake already this summer. Duck tape is a must for our emergency back packs :)
So cute! I love your mommy and daughter moments. I always have to read them to Seth. Madison is so funny:)
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