We went with a bunch of friends to the beach...all were doctors or wanna be doctors and their wives. It was a blast. Abby cut her first tooth there. She wasn't very happy the entire time.

Madison got completely covered in sand. It was everywhere. She loved the beach and went wave jumping with Brian. She loves water!!!! She couldn't wait to go to the beach today.

Brian was building a sand castle with Madison and when the tide would come in it would wash away some of the castle and Madison would squeal in delight. She would then copy Brian in trying to get all the water out of the moat around the castle (sand hill really).

Here is Madison squealing in delight. She loves being with her daddy and doing whatever he is doing. She tried to take her boogie board in the water and surf the waves with Brian. She is fearless when it comes to water. We had fun and it was a beautiful sunny day. I am so grateful for Brian taking Madison in the freezing water and playing with her. He is such a good father and playmate:-)
Dads are so good at that kind of stuff! :)
--am off to email you now too!
awesome pictures again...you definitely have talent! Interesting that Abby and Logan cut their first teeth on the same day.
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