Thursday, August 21, 2008

Feet, Feet, and more feet!!!

I don't know what it is but I love feet. I love to capture moments of feet. So, Madison was trying to climb the playground equipment all the way to the top since she saw mommy do it. It was fun to watch her accomplish it even though it was a bit high.

This is Madison using body language and all to express her desire for me to push her on the swings...She is saying, "pweeeeease."

Madison still loves this car and pretends to go places in it. She usually just plays in our real cars and now knows how to open and close the doors and she just loves to drive.


Rachel Holloway said...

LOVE feet too,,,I think they say so much about the little ones you are photographing. :)

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

These pictures make me home sick for my 2 girls. They are so cute from head all the way down to their feet.