TEARS...I have come to find out through Madison that there is no well that dries up, no such thing as not being able to produce more tears, no empty bucket thing, and the phrase "I cried so much I didn't have any more tears to cry" is a falsehood. I know this because Madison has proved that no matter how much one has cried, there are always more tears to be shed. It doesn't stop. I used to think that it wasn't possible to cry all day, but I am learning otherwise. This whole moving thing has been hard on us all, but Madison expresses it more openly than do the rest of us. Thanks to friends taking Madison and playing with her and letting her play with other children, she is coping much better. This will all be over and she will have a bigger bedroom, more space to run around, a porch, two bathrooms to pretend to go potty in, more cupboards to raid, and a real dishwasher that you don't have to hook up to your sink!
Sarah, I'm so sorry! I know how stressful moving is, but I can't imagine trying to do it with 2 kids! I wish we were there to help you guys. Hopefully Madison will feel better soon.
Remember..."This too will pass"
ENJOY THE JOURNEY as President Monson said at conference....even all the tears, I might add. Love you guys..wish I were there to help with this move, and to wipe away Madison's tears.
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