I brought out Abby's Halloween costume to show my mother and Madison had to try it on. Of course it was too small so I suggested she put it on her baby. Madison was so excited about it all! She can't wait for Halloween. She says, "I go Halloween, knock on door and say trick-or-treat. I get CANDY!!!!"
I love being around Madison and seeing her get so excited about the small things in life!
I'll mail her monkey costume today and since I kinda forgot her birthday lets call it her birthday gift. You did all the leg work anyway. I'd love to see it on her either on skype or on the blog site. Abby looks adorable! Pumkins I could really eat so I might just "eat her up."
So Cute! I love seeing Madison's excitment through these pictures. She's such a doll. We miss both of them. Can't wait to see the halloween pictures.
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