Friday, October 03, 2008

Bath Time!

I should have taken pictures, but I couldn't leave Abby in the bath alone:-) Tonight I asked Madison if she wanted to take a bath with Abby since it's been, I hate to admit this, TWO WEEKS since Abby had a real bath (not including wipe downs). Madison grabbed her baby and said, "You want to get baptized?" When we got in the tub Madison would hold up her baby and say, "one, two, three, four, go." She would then hold her legs down as if she was standing then lay her baby back in the water and then pick her up proudly and say, "Her is cold, I wrap her up." She would then proceed to wrap up her baby in a wet washcloth. I don't know where she learned this, but it was cute. I asked her how old you have to be to be baptized and she didn't know so I told her "you have to be eight years old to be baptized." I then asked her again and she said, "you have to be OLD." If eight is old I hate to think what 26 is!

Madison said at breakfast this morning, "Thanks for making breakfast mommy." It melted my heart. She copies her daddy and he always thanks me for making meals. What a great example of what parenting really means. It reminds me of the quote that says something to the effect that children learn from your actions and not from what you say or tell them is right. I'm just so glad I have Brian as my husband!

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