Sunday, October 24, 2010

This is what I live for...

Today was one of those days where I thought multiple times, "this is what I live for."  It was Madison waking up happy and laughing with Abby in the bedroom for 20 minutes before coming to get me.  It was eating dinner together as a family (minus the melt down or two), it was seeing Abby gets so excited to see her daddy today after he has been gone for two days, it was Abby running full speed and slamming into Brian's legs to give him a hug and holding nothing back.  It was when I looked around church today and realized how many friends I have here after living here less than four months, it was having someone come out and help me carry in my stuff since Brian was at work, it was listening to Brian run up the stairs to scare the girls and hearing the screeching screams of delight coming from their bedroom.  It was watching Abby curl up in her daddy's arms to be held, it was Madison's sweet looks of love, It was in the meaningful questioned asked me today of "how are you doing?", it's knowing Heavenly Father is watching and listening,  it was the walk with a friend to talk about anything, and last of all to have Brian home after a long 30 hour shift and knowing he would much rather be here with his family than at the hospital with his co-workers.

1 comment:

lyjing said...

I loved reading this post! I can related to most if not all of these things. You're doing it Sarah! Almost halfway through intern year!