Sunday, October 03, 2010

The 2,000 'what' warriors?

We are reading about the 2,000 stripling warriors in our morning scripture study with the girls.  I always recap what is going on before reading more and so I said, "What are we reading about?"  To which Madison said, "I don't know" and Abby said, "King Lamoni" (which was what we read about the week before).  I decided to give them a hint and said, "We are reading about the 2,000 _______" and then I paused to let them fill in the blank.  Madison said, "strapping warriors"  and Abby said, "stripping warriors".  So we were reading about the 2,000 strapping, stripping warriors:-)  Got to love kids.

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Yes, we definitely love kids and especially any of my grandchildren! They truly are precious!