Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Please bless that my shots won't hurt..."

Today we had Madison's four year appt. at 8 am...why so early I don't know what I was thinking.  Background: Madison has been praying for the past day or two that her shots won't hurt and this morning before her appt. I reminded her about the shots and that they might hurt a little. She replied with total confidence, "they aren't going to hurt, I prayed that they wouldn't."  I said, "well, they might hurt and it's ok to cry.  It hurts mommy when I get shots"  Madison said, "Every body is different and it won't hurt me."  "Who told you every body is different?" She said, "you did.  Like how Abby sleeps light and I am a deep sleeper."  My heart broke.  I wanted her to believe God answers prayers and I didn't want to tell her that he couldn't stop the pain of a shot and so I let her believe and trust in her Heavenly Father.  I even started to believe her FOUR shots wouldn't hurt.  When it came time for her shots, she was so brave and had no fear whatsoever in her eyes.  She was happy up to the point where they stuck her in the arm with a shot.  The first one coaxed a small cry that by the fourth shot was a scream that tore at my heart.  It was a disappointed, fearful, heart wrenching cry that almost brought tears to my eyes.  I just wanted to hold her and tell her that Heavenly Father does answer prayers and that he could take the pain away if he wanted.  I did hold her and tried to pick up the broken pieces that seemed to fall apart in front of me.  I feared she felt abandoned, alone, and let down.  I prayed for guidance as to what to say to her as she sobbed on my shoulder.  In the car I talked to her and asked if Heavenly Father answered her prayer.  She said, "yes."  I don't know how it all worked out in her head, but I tried to work it out for myself out loud as I said, "you were so calm and must have felt the spirit before and were so brave and maybe that is how Heavenly Father answered your prayer."  She just nodded from the back seat of the car as I prayed that she would continue to have the faith of a child and not let this effect her in the future.  I'm sure Heavenly Father answered my prayer and cares about Madison so much that he will take care of her for me:-)


Tamara said...

What a tender experience. She is a precious child, and Heavenly Father will bless her, and YOU, as you faithfully perform your role as a mother.
Love you!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

I don't think I can read your entries any more. They make me cry. What choice angels you have and what an angelic mother also.