Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Christmas Morning

 After they opened the baby alive from Santa, they had no interest in opening any more presents.  We fed, changed diapers, fed some more, and changed more diapers.  6 diapers later we finally got them to stop for a bit so we could wash the diapers (Santa brought cloth diapers).

 Just the girls!

 Santa ate the raisin oatmeal cookies and left two crumbs.
 Christmas morning breakfast and then off to church for Sacrament meeting.  It was the best way to start Christmas morning.  They had all these musical numbers with an oboe, french horns, piano, organ, voice, recorder, etc.  It was so spirit filled and made Christmas really focused on Christ.
 I made pumpkin pie for Brian and that ended up being our Christmas dinner.  Madison was in heaven.
 Name tags from Rick and Tamara's 50th anniversary. The girls loved them so much and used them for decorations on the Christmas tree.
 These are from their cousin Mason and Aiden!!!

 I got this from Lacey and love it.  Thanks for making it plastic...it arrived in one piece.

 This was our sucker tree with the nativity made from clay. People who came over got to pick a sucker from the tree.

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Thanks for sharing your Christmas with these pictures.