Friday, April 03, 2009

My first Fondant Cake!

I had a migraine last Sunday and took Excedrin for the first time at 4 pm and couldn't go to bed until 1 am due to the caffeine. It knocked my migraine out, but failed to knock me out. So, I was killing time on the computer since Brian went to bed at 10pm (I must note that this is the first time in our marriage that I have gone to bed three hours later than Brian!), when I had this brilliant idea to make a fondant cake for Abby's birthday. I found a recipe and even a video on how to do it on you tube! I was so excited. I got the supplies throughout the week and made the cake today! I prayed the entire time I was making it. It's scary to make something based on you tube:-) Well, it turned out and should taste good. The fondant is made of powdered sugar and marshmallows...YUM!


Tamara said...

I'm impressed! I've never made a fondant cake. It is beautiful!

max fam said...

Cute cake!! I will have to get your recipe. I have never tried to make fondant. Also Happy Birthday to Abby. I can't believe that she is 1.