Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nap time??? Noooooooo

This is what I found when I went to check on Madison and hour after laying her down for a nap. She wasn't taking a nap at all. She instead had taken out the entire contents of her dresser drawers and had them all over the floor and bed. When I walked it and looked at her with a 'I'm disappointed' look on my face, she said happily, "I found my pants with a stripe on them." As if that made it all better. I was able to just look at the fun in what she was doing and asked her to show me her pants with the stripe. She proudly held up an old pair of pants that was hidden in the back of her Pajama drawer. She said, "These are warm mommy." I told her to put them on because she was about to take her nap. It was one of those times when I didn't know if I should get mad at her or just let her be a kid. I chose to let her be a kid and am grateful for the spirit that helped me make that choice.


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

I'm so glad you listened to the spirit. Good job mom. Did she take a nap after she got her striped pants on?

Emily said...

That is so cute! You are such a good mommy to just let her be a kid and not get mad at her, I don't know if I would have the same patience as you!