Saturday, February 07, 2009

First Daddy Daughter Date!

Today Madison and Brian went on their first official Daddy Daughter date. They went to Wendy's and had hamburger, fries, and ice cream. Madison was so excited and when she came home I asked her what she talked about with Daddy and she said, "Jesus." and then mummbled other stuff I didn't understand. It's her new latest think to speak jibberish when she can't think of things fast enough to say. Then she said, "It was just Daddy and me." She loved it! Now she is brushing with Daddy's toothpaste.

She is such a cutie and has been such a joy lately. She plays with Abby and gets her toys, she helps me cook and clean (even toilets...we'll see how long that lasts:-), and loves to be with me no matter where I am going or what I am doing. She even loves shopping. If we go anywhere in the car she says, "I want to go to three stores." It's always three and then to the bird house (our local pet shop that we treat as a zoo:-). She is so well behaved in all the stores. It's a mother's dream come true!

Abby now says "mama", "dada", and "hi." She uses them correctly often and even repeats when we say those words. She is such a joy and just makes us all smile! I love holding her squishy body. As I was walking up the stairs to put her to bed tonight she just randomly gave me an open mouthed kiss. It's those moments that I just love being her mom. She always smiles and throws herself into my body after she gives a kiss. She knows it's something special and that I like it. Today was just one of those days where I want to have a million kids and love having the two that I have. I thoroughly enjoyed them today!


Lacey Jay said...

That was so cute of Brian. I never had one of those growing up. I bet Madison had a blast. She's a lucky girl!

-oh dear... thank you SO much for pointing that out(my missing H). We just had to laugh because Seth is the spelling master, he always edits everything I do and he didn't catch it. No! I did not mean too! How funny! I don't have the energy to change all of them so hopefully it's not noticed by to my clients.. ha ha

Lacey Jay said...

Oh and that's cool about being on your own. Are you excited or nervous? Yeah, it's alot of work and time but you have so much talent so it will be a whole new 'awsome' chapter for you:) I can't wait to see your blog. Let me know when you have it up

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

It was so nice seeing you on skype on Sunday. To see Abby give you one of those "throw yourself into a kiss" on your cheek was precious and to hear her say, "HI!" It just brings a smile to my face. Way to go Brian with a Daddy Daughter Date.

Emily said...

That's so cute about Madison and Brian's date! Cannon still has not said mama, but of course he says Dada all the time!