Thursday, May 13, 2010

Putting holes in one's ears...who would have thought

I did it! I pierced my ears with my little sister Emily. I've never had them pierced and never wanted them pierced due to one more thing to accessorize and since I own only two rings, one necklace, and a bracelet, the chances didn't look good that I would ever have anything more than just studs for my ears:-) But, I did it! I put holes in my ears and metal rods in the holes to keep them from closing in on me. I have sensitive teeth and that must also affect my ears because Emily has been just fine with the holes being punched in her ears, but mine hurt. They are fine as long as you don't brush them with a hair, try to lay on them, or breathe on them:-) They aren't that bad, but they do hurt. I will tough it out because I paid $26.50 for the studs and then another $20 for some ear rings so I will have something to put in the holes when my 6 weeks of rinsing them three times a day is over with:-) Over all, I do like them and I feel more girly than I ever have. Now I just need to buy my first dress (I currently don't own one) and then I will officially be girly!!! I even learned to put make up on for my first time over a year ago. I know, I just couldn't stand how mascara felt the first time I wore it and swore it off from that point on. Well, I guess it had to happen some time or later. Now we are just trying to get Lael to join the 'hole in the ear' group. Go LAEL! I also wanted to thank my support group by name: Madison, Abby (they just wanted a sucker), Lael, Melissa, and Emily. It was a girls weekend (we missed you Lacey) and that is how we spent it:-) Brian didn't even know I did it until he saw me in church on Sunday and he noticed it right away. I got his stamp of approval:-)


SP said...

Ha! Way to go you girly girl. Kidding. Be sure you send me your new address when you get it!

Emily said...

You are so funny! I guess I've just never noticed you didn't have them pierced. You are just one of those lucky girls who is so naturally beautiful that you don't need to wear makeup or jewelery!

Tamara said...

How interesting, Sarah...because just 3 days ago I was telling Rick I was going to pierce my ears...for the first time!! But it was because I couldn't find ANY clip-on earings that I could wear to the Temple..but then yesterday I FOUND SOME!! So I have chickened out again. Anyway, I'm anxious to see you in "your new look" :)