Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Abby's 2nd Birthday Party

Mesia was pretty good at hitting the pinata!

Madison was pretty aggressive and would wind up and try to hit it as hard as she could. When she would miss she would do a complete 360 degree turn! I think Softball might be a good sport for her:-)

Madison and Mesia laughing at Abby when she was chasing the pinata in circles trying to get a hit at it. It would eventually slow down and hit her in the face if she didn't get a hit at it in time.

Anna was the best. Abby gave her the stick and Anna hit the pinata very delicately once, gently set down the stick in the grass, and walked away. She had done her duty!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

What a fun birthday! Wish I could have been there. I'm missing out on SO MUCH!