Saturday, June 06, 2009

This has been my project for the past three days. I wanted to refinish this adorable little rocking chair for Madison and Abby. I got it at a garage sale for $10! I didn't take before pictures, but the whole this was the dark stain color and had patches missing...I loved sanding it by hand. It was a great outlet! I have fallen in love with it!

Playing with chalk has become Madison's favorite past time and she really gets into it as you can see:-) The walkway in front of our house looks pretty colorful:-)

Abby put this on her head and thought she was so funny. She wouldn't turn around to look at me so Madison tried to make her and she lost it.


Tamara said...

Beautiful chair, Sarah...and as I said before..IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN'T DO! I'M SO IMPRESSED!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Sarah, WOW! The chair is beautiful! I agree with Grandma Evans, "Is there anything you can't do!"