Monday, June 01, 2009

Best Father EVER!

Today for Family Home Evening we went and put up a Donate Blood Banner at the church (which is 25 minutes away) and Madison and Abby were troopers so we decided to take them out to Wendy's afterwards. It was 8:00 pm by the time we got to Wendy's, Abby was ready for bed (tears...lots of them), and it was already Madison's bedtime by this time. As we are driving away from the drive through window Madison says, "I have an idea, lets eat out on the grass" (pointing to the grass right next to the busy road). I comment that it's a great idea, but it's Abby's bedtime and we need to feed her and get home to put her in bed. Brian, the great dad he is, chimes in and says, "we can eat on the grass at home." So, they do. I wish I could have taken a picture of Madison dressed up in her princess skirt, leotard, high heel shoes, and her baby doll wearing a child's size princess dress eating a Wendy's hamburger on the grass with her daddy. It's dark and cold outside, but Brian still did it! What a great Dad!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Brian IS a good daddy, BUT you are ALSO A GREAT MOMMY! We are proud of you both!!!!