Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Princess Dress-ups...

This is the hat I made for Madison and since Madison wouldn't model it for me I got E. to for me:-)

Madison refused to look at me so I took this shot. She looks so elegant and innocent. It wasn't but 20 minutes later I came out to see them coloring on the table, painting all over, and wiping their hands on the wall. It was a sight to see. Moral of the story, never underestimate your angels.

I love E. boots. They are what made me think to get her to wear the hat. Bright Green is a fun color and E. came over to play today dressed in her snow pants, boots, and a sun hat. She was hitting all seasons.

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

The hat turned out perfect, Sarah! What cute girls in their dresses, boots, and hats. Sorry about the mess they made a little later. What characters.