Madison has her 2 1/2 month check-up soon and we are trying to prepare her for the shots she will receive. She has become obsessed about shots now. She gives her babies shots, her dolly shots, Abby shots, and pretends to take me to the doctors to get a shot (I am told to hold her hand in the parking lot, told to lay down on the recliner chair, and then she pokes me with her fingernail for the shot, and then gets a candy for me.) We repeat this over and over until I had over three shots in various parts of my body. When I wouldn't participate anymore, it was her dolly's turn:-)
I just love this pretend phase. She asked for her baby while in the bathtub so she could baptize it. She said, "she is eight years old!" She also pretends to drive a car on the end of the bed (using the head board as the front of the car).
Other things Madison loves is to go to the store. If we don't have something, Madison is quick to say, "we go to the store and buy it tomorrow." And last night while shopping Madison would beg to go to another store when we would get in the car from a store. We went to a pizza joint, radio station, second-hand store, Wal-mart, salvation army, and then to the pet store (our local zoo). Madison was still begging to go to more stores after this. She even pretends to look at things and their ingredients. She will pick something up, look at it, and comment, and then put it back. It's so fun! She is my daughter for sure!
I can't imagine life getting any better than this. I just love my two little angels. They bring me so much joy. All Madison has to do it say "I love you mommy" and I am putty in her hands. I wouldn't trade my experience as a mother for anything!
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