Thursday, November 20, 2008

Precious Moments

Tonight I took extra time and sang Madison some songs (lots of songs) and as I was going to leave she asked me if she could take a turn. She then said, "What song do you want?" I made a request and she sang me her version of the song. It was so cute! She then would ask, "Do you want me to burning?" She sang all the songs back that I sang to her and then gave me the kiss goodnight. I'm so glad I took a little extra time to have that moment with Madison.

Madison's reply when we tell her to look at a book by herself is, "I can't talk to it." To her that makes complete sense and a perfect argument for her case why WE should read the book to HER.

While watching Brian shave she said, "when I get bigger I will shave too." Brian spent a few minutes trying to explain to her that girls don't have to shave their faces. Madison insisted that she will shave when she gets bigger. Brian gave up after a few futile attempts and explaining himself to Madison.

1 comment:

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

I can't wait to see and hear these conversations with Madison in person!