I couldn't bring myself to tell Madison that a binky fairy was coming to take her binky and leave her a present under her pillow. I just can't imagine it working. So, what do I do? I just take it away one night after preparing her all day that we were going to take it. I tried to explain to her, "it's ruining your teeth, so we need to take it away so your teeth will get fixed." (it's ruining her bite and her teeth are sticking out a bit). To this she replied, "The dentist fix my teeth." She is one smart cookie. So, we have had hard nights of screaming for an hour or so, no naps, crying to fall asleep, waking up at 5:30 in the morning and thinking it's time to get up, and plain crankiness. She only had it at bedtime and nap time, but it's been a hard adjustment not to have it to calm her down. We used to call it her drug. The second you put it in her mouth she would calm down, roll over, and go to sleep. That was it, no crying, no screaming, naps just like that, and life was good. I miss that binky more than she does I'm sure, but I am pressing forward and hoping that she will go back to taking naps, falling asleep easily, and sleeping through the night. Hopefully this is fixed before we go to Utah or else our family better have earplugs on hand:-) God blessed her with a good set of lungs not even walls, doors, pillows over head, good earplugs, or deep sleep can silence! I thought Madison was going to miss the binky, but I find that I am the one missing it the most. The peace and joy it brought is now gone!!!!!
Sorry, "quiet time" is not working. I am no help on a binky bacause you are the only one that had one and I took it out when you were 11 months old one night while you were sleeping and you never even missed it. I hope someone out there who reads your blog will have an answer for you. Prayers are usually answered by other people. Hang in there dear daughter.
I think it is SO tough to get rid of those "addictions". :) Kaden's bottle battle about killed me--but it DOES end! Hang in there!!! It will be over soon!
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