Monday, June 02, 2008

"Look Brian. I so cute."

As I was putting my clothes away, I began to put my basketball shorts in the bottom drawer of my dresser when I hear, "I want that." (the famous phrase we hear all day long. "that" means anything Madison wants and it's our responsibility to figure out what 'that' is.) So, I handed them over and Madison began to put them on. When she got them on she said, "Look Bwian, I so cute." Then she had me take a picture of her over and over and over again. And of course after each picture she had to look at herself to which she just laughed. She is so silly sometimes and loves it. She was sad when I finally stopped taking pictures. I just had to post a few of them for you to see how excited she was to have her picture taken. She is never this way when I want to take her picture. She usually runs away from the camera like her daddy does:-) I told her that Aunt Lilley would be proud of her for wearing her basketball shorts. We are trying to start her young:-)

1 comment:

Lacey Jay said...

Oh dear, she's funny! She's a mini Lael. She's looking so big. WOW!