Thursday, December 30, 2010


Motherhood is not like any other profession.  It's not like performing on stage where you get a huge applause.  I don't recall my children ever cheering when I came in to get them in the morning.  I've never gotten a standing ovation or encore after making a speech about keeping the house clean, I've never received a paycheck or bonus at the end of the year, I've never been given a tip after cooking and serving dinner, I don't get promotions based on my performance, or plaques with my name on it for multi-tasking day in and day out.

But, I do get sticky kisses, high fives, thank-you's in the form of smiles, looks, and hugs.  I get artists portraits drawn with crayons, markers, paint, and food drawn daily to hang on the fridge.  When my kids get hurt I am the first one on-call to kiss the boo boo, those I take care of are so comfortable around me they act themselves all the time with no reservations no matter the situation, and I am the first one to hear how their day has gone, what they learned that day, or new accomplishments.  I get to watch my kids grow up and be a part of their life.  My kids love playing with me and I love playing with them.  What a divine profession I get to be a part of.  I am so grateful I don't have to do this alone and that there is someone else on call 24/7 to talk to and get comfort, advice, support, and answers.  I just felt this and had to write it down.  I was in the middle of cooking dinner and the girls were playing in the living room so nicely.  I am so blessed!


Tamara said...

Loved this comment, sarah, and your wonderful attitude! You are a great mother! Have a marvelous New Year! Sorry we miss talking with the girls tomorrow!

Emily said...

Very well said Sarah! I feel like the rewards of motherhood are worth so much more than any other profession I can think of!