Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pioneer Cemetary and Huge Oak Tree

Tamara took us to this huge Oak tree. I reminded me of Louisiana. It was beautiful and was probably around when the prophet was alive!

We saw a huge toad and I wanted to get a picture with it between the girls standing with their cute feet. The toad was camera shy and when I tried to pick it up it peed on me and wouldn't cooperate. He kept hopping out of the picture, so here are the girls cute legs and feet!

This statue represents a family mourning over burying a young baby in the ground. So sad!

This was sobering to walk through as lots of the graves were of young children who died in Nauvoo. One mother's story was of her first and she was two years old and the mother had to walk to the cemetary alone without family since she didn't have any to bury her first and only child.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

It was SO MUCH FUN to have you here. I'm glad you stayed that extra day! We love and miss you!!