Sunday, June 20, 2010

David's Chamber and Stone Bridge

These places were breathtakingly beautiful...if that is even a word! The girls loved playing in the water and got all the way down to their underwear and diaper and just splashed around and loved it! It was perfect weather for the excursion. We were really blessed with good weather while we were there. We got to see Sunset on the Mississippi and The Young Ambasadors from BYU, the play Just plain Anna Amanda, High Hopes and River Boats, and a bunch of the tour sites. Rick and Tamara even watched the girls so we could do a session in the temple. We were two of the four present at the session and were the witness couple. We then got our own tour of the temple and got to go up to the top where the bell is and look out over the city as the tour guide told us some experiences and we felt the spirit of it. We also got to view other places in the temple and see how it runs. They have this amazing staircase the spirals down four stories. It's gorgeous! There is so much wood in the temple. It was weird not to see just white everywhere. It's very unique and I felt blessed to be in it. What a sad day when the saints had to leave that beautiful temple and the fate of it.

David was the son of Joseph Smith whom Emma was pregnant with when Joseph went to Carthage. David loved to go to this place to think and ponder. They have made it into sort of a park. David seemed to have had split personalities of some sort and ended up dying young in a mental hospital. Sad story, but the place invokes peace and a perfect haven!

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Beautiful pictures, Sarah. Makes me "homesick" for the girls though!