Monday, October 26, 2009

Abby says...

It's funny that I find out things I say often because Abby starts to say it. Today I kept hearing her say, to her bear, "Do you want shoes on...or not?" "Want out...or not." She adds "...or not" to the end of every question. She asks this all the time and it is so cute. I now notice how often I say that to her.

I love how she puts her sentences together. "Bed, Madison, Kitty." Translation: Madison's bed has a kitty on it. "Milk please, I want it." "Shoes on, Madison, Please" Translation: "Please put Madison's shoes on me." "Madison, her crying, sad", or "down, all done, please mommy." Translation: "I'm done, please get me down."

Common Phrases:
"What are you doing?"
"Where daddy go Mommy?" I tell her and she says "oh" She asks where everyone is...Madison, Mesia, Anna, Cannon, Grandma, Grandpa, Josh, Emmy, Mommy.
She always says, "ok" if I say something like, "We are going to go in now, ok?" That is something else I must say all the time because Abby always says it:-)

I love the way Abby says Madison. I will have to record that for you. It took her a long time before she could say it. I love how they talk and Abby addresses her as Madison.


Emily said...

I am seriously so impressed with her talking! Hopefully Cannon will catch up to her talking skills someday and they can talk to each other!

SP said...

You're kids crack me up.
You're photos are beautiful.
You're hair is getting really long! So pretty.
And I miss you guys.
Have a superfantisicolishis day!