Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dinner Table Conversation

M: Let's go on a daddy daughter date (said excitedly)
B: What should we do when we go?
M: Get a hamburger and a frosty!
B: Maybe we could get some pizza at Ramunto's
M: Yeah, that's a plan that sounds like a good one.
B: What do you think about it?
M: It sounds beautiful!

The other day:
I'm driving the car and come to a bridge. I say, "Hold your breath." I hear Madison in the back seat breathing really heavily. Once we cross the bridge I look back and realize she is holding her chest. I say, "You didn't hold your breath." Madison responds, "I don't know what my breath is." I then realize she thought at first I said breast and she was holding her breasts. She is so funny!

Madison's request:
Brian was playing a hymn on the piano and Madison asked Brian, "play a fast song daddy." Brian continued to play the hymn when he was interrupted. Madison had come to the piano, grabbed his arms and said, "Did you hear me daddy? I wanted a fast song." Brian said, "Ok, I will play the song faster." Once he finished that song he went on to play one of Brad's songs that is slower and Madison said, "Play that one faster ok Daddy?"

Madison is such a character and keeps us laughing. Abby on the other hand says 'no' to every and any question we ask her. We were driving in the car the other day and I asked Brian a question and from the back seat we hear, "no". Madison loves it and constantly is asking Abby questions to which she always answers, "no."

She learned to say 'bye'. She doesn't always use it the right way, but she will repeat it if we say it. Oh, the joys of motherhood! I just love it!

Brian is upstairs putting Madison to bed. Today I came home from working out to find peanut butter, cornmeal, barley, string, and scissors, and a mess on the table. I asked Brian what it was out for and he said, "Oh, we made a bird feeder and hung it in the tree. I said, "you didn't have any bird seed to put on it." To which he replied, "I looked it up on the Internet and it said you could use any seeds or cornmeal." I was so elated. Madison then showed me where they hung it on a tree limb. What a great husband and dad. We were bird watching one day for a long time and I mentioned we should make a bird feeder. Then my wonderful husband made one with Madison. It was the highlight of my day. I should take a picture. We don't have big enough pine cones, so they used a toilet paper roll.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Madison is Hilarious! What a fun age! I want to go make a bird feeder now after reading this. Cannon loves to watch the birds in our backyard.