Saturday, March 07, 2009

Biker Babe at work!

Today was the first warm day for bike riding all winter. We still have lots of snow, but it's melting fast. Madison has been so excited to wear her new (used) helmet and go biking. Abby enjoyed riding in the stroller for the first half and then pushing her toy the second half. Here is a picture of Madison pushing a toy like Abby's when she was 11 months old.
Abby loved pushing this around outside. She is such a joy!


Emily said...

It's so fun to see these pictures and videos, and see how they compare. Madison and Abby really do look so much alike! I can't believe Abby and Cannon will be a year old next month! This past year has flown by!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

You need to date their pictures because they do look and act alike at the same age. I love the video clips. Keep them coming.