Thursday, March 26, 2009

Abby brings me joy!

Abby was my target practicing's been a long day, but while Madison was napping, Abby and I had some fun! I love her smiles and the joy she finds in the little her thumb! Yes, she has found it and started sucking it a few days ago. She has to look at her hand to locate her thumb and then she sticks it in and sucks away. We took away her binky at 6 months to avoid the catastrophes of getting rid of it and now this. I might as well throw in the towel...I think a thumb is going to be worse than the binky ever was:-( Any suggestions? I am open!


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Abby is adorable and love all the pictures you put on the blog. I just want to hold the two girls. No suggestions for a thumb sucker. Sorry!

Emily said...

Cannon still uses a binky sometimes when he goes to sleep, but I've thought about taking it away too so I don't have to deal with it later, but I don't want him to suck his thumb either, so I don't know what is best! I wish you guys lived here so you could take pictures of Cannon, your pictures are amazing Sarah!

Tamara said...

Beautiful pictures, are very talented!