Monday, January 12, 2009

Madison's first day of Ice skating!

"Let's do it again!" paid off in this case. Madison enjoyed it at the beginning and then we took her around with Brian and I holding her hand. She enjoyed it and even hit the puck while being pushed around in the stroller (she was holding a hockey stick). It was a fun Family Home Evening.

Kids learn how to ice skate around here by pushing around crates or a chair. It teaches them so they can eventually go out on their own. We will see how good she is by the end of the season:-)


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

What a neat idea of how to teach children to skate, crate boxes. I gave grandma my password so she could get on to see your blog. She loved it as well as seeing Seth and Lacey's. She could see why the need of a hockey stick. It is still in the planning. I still get choked up when I see pictures of my three grandchildren on these blogs.

Lacey Jay said...

What a creative way for kids to learn by themselves. She looks so cute out there:)