Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kim and Joe's Engagement Pictures

So, how do we know Joe? He's like a little brother to Brian and I. I met him in a second hand store and the spirit let me know he was ready to hear the gospel. Little did I know he was searching and had read many pamphlets and books on different religions and was truly searching for truth. I was able to bear my testimony, identify the spirit, and teach a mini version of the first discussion. He came to our house two days later for dinner and a lesson from the missionaries and from there the spirit taught him and he was open and excited. He was baptized a while later thanks to great teachers like the Mender's and others in the ward. He was taken in and loved. He was off to the Navy soon after he was baptized and faced temptation, trials, and there his testimony grew! He bore his testimony the last time he was home visiting and about blew Brian and I out of the water. He has been fully active and finds a singles ward or church wherever he is stationed. He has held callings, performed a baptism, and shared the gospel with others. Then, a few days ago he calls us up and tells us that he is engaged and is getting married in the SLC in March. You can imagine Brian and I's excitement! We then get to have Kim stay in our home while they are visiting family for Kim to meet them. It was a wonderful blessing to have Kim in our home. She radiated joy and love and was so friendly, posative, and in love with Joe. It was so fun to take their pictures and see the gospel at work as it changes people and can bring people together. They will be great together and will raise a wonderful family. I am just so grateful God allowed me this opportunity to experience so much joy by allowing me to share the gospel with Joe whom the Lord had already prepared. He has changed and grown in ways only the gospel could change. Thanks for staying with us Kim and for loving Joe . He's like a little brother to us:-)

We took these at Dartmouth. Isn't it a great and beautiful place?


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

They are a cute couple and look so much alike. I am happy for them both and for you to have have had Kim in your home. I love their story!

Lacey Jay said...

How neat! I remember you telling us about him- That's so awsome for him... Congrats to them:) Great pictures. I LOVE the top one!