Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jam Session!

I keep my camera on top of my fridge to catch moments like this. I was preparing dinner and Brian was entertaining the girls so I could cook. He wanted to play a song with Abby on his lap, but then Madison had to join too! Brian was playing at the far ends of the piano, while Madison and Abby were playing in the middle. It was so cute. Abby and Madison would even try and turn the pages on the hymn book from time to time. I loved watching the girls with their daddy. He is such a good dad. I marvel every day at the love and patience he has for the two...and me at times. I am sure that Madison and Abby won't ever think for one second that their daddy doesn't love least until they are teenagers:-)


Valli & Coleman McVea said...

Amen! Brian is a wonderful father and husband!

Tamara said...

What darling pictures!! Brian is a good daddy, and you are a wonderful mother. We are very blessed! love and MISS you all!!