Thursday, May 22, 2008

Potty Training?

We bought Madison a small potty from a yard sale for $.50 cents and i let her play with it for a day. I thought it wouldn't hurt even though I am far from wanting to potty train yet. It was the second day that she wanted me to take off her diaper so that she could sit on her potty. I did so and went on cleaning. I forgot to put on her diaper when I heard, "uh-oh, look Sarah, accident. I clean up. Accident mom." She was so sad that she wet her pants and was also so worried and surprised. It was the first time not going in a diaper. I think she might be an easy one when the time comes. We just cleaned it up and I hid the potty:-) We will wait until I am 100% committed:-) Maybe when the baby is a bit older:-)


Emily said...

It's so fun to read about Madison and the funny things she's doing now. I can't wait to see you guys in June!

Ange said...

Ha! I can't belive that she calls you by your first name?! What is the meaning of this? I love that she's saying little prayers that's so cute. I miss you I should be back in Boston by July 1st or so. Im driving down with my dad so I'll have my own car.