Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Love Vacuums!

So, Madison came walking into the bathroom with a black boot that had heels, and they were zipped up to the top of her thigh. I didn't have the camera at the time, but I'm sure you can picture it. She had to discard them to get on the toilet to do her hair. I convinced her to let mommy do it, but she had to hold a handful of her hair rubber bands that she managed to drop all throughout the house. I then got on the phone to talk to Lael and next thing I know there are silver paper clips all over the bedroom floor. I was able to talk Madison into 'cweaning up'. Just as we went downstairs Madison accidently dump the entire bag of pretzels, salt and all, on the living room carpet. She then tried to clean it up with her play vacuum with absolutely no suction. It proved fruitless. It was then I whipped out the vacuum. I have learned that it can suck up rice, wet or dry, lettuce, paper clips, wood chips, hair bands, freshly tracked mud, whole pretzels, etc. I do realize that if I just bent down in a workout type squat I could turn this picking things up all the time into a workout opportunity, but I prefer to let the vacuum do all the work. If I ever feel down, I just whip out the vacuum which gives me a sense of accomplishment since there is always food and such on our floor that I can make disappear. It's the small things in life. I also love it for the "I can't hear you effect" it causes if I just can't take the crying of a temper tantrum anymore. It's a last resort honestly:-) I love life as a mom and Madison keeps us laughing. It's fun to tell Brian the things she does when he comes home. Things like "your daughter came walking downstairs with my bra on...the right way!" or "she had my earplugs in her mouth earwax and all. Yummmm!", and the many times she does a happy dance or gets excited about a dog, airplane, or the playground. She arrives at the playground and says, "hi friends". It's priceless. I'm so grateful I get to stay home and experience this first hand. It's a blessing and truly what I have always wanted to do and be. It takes and uses all that I have learned in life, on a mission, in college, sports, drama...wait, I never took drama, oh, that's Madison, and makes me pull out every trick up my sleeve at times to be a mom, wife, taxi driver, do 5 things at once, errand runner, and my favorite...wiper of all bodily discharge. My paydays are sloppy kisses, sleeping children, hugs, smiles, giggles, 'yum' at the dinner table, and 'ank-you's'. It's worth it all to get them here!


Lacey Jay said...

What a sweet post! You're truly a very lucky women- We just love our nieces! Madison seems to get bigger and more fun everyday:)

Wolfley Family said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose kids walk around in random pieces of my clothing ;) Madison sounds like she's a riot to be around :)