Sunday, September 26, 2010

Primary Program Success!

How fun is this?  Madison had her primary program today and since I had to take pictures of the ward for the photo directory, I snapped some of Madison and Abby in between while waiting.  They are so fun!  Madison got this picture of Christ from Primary today and her line for the program was, "Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me."  She did great until I left to take Abby to the bathroom and that's when she began to cry and had to come and sit with us for the last song.  She was so brave and sang so beautifully.  It brought me to tears at one point.  She is such an angel.
On the car ride home Abby asked what Jesus was doing in the picture.  Abby said, "It's just a picture of Jesus, but do you want to know what he did?  He taught people, and healed people, and helped them."  It was so cute to hear Madison teaching Abby about Jesus.  She then said we could hang this picture up in her room to remind us of him and we could pray to him.  What a darling little girl!!!!
Abby has this thing with getting her picture taken.  If I want her to smile, it doesn't happen...she was so funny and refused to smile and then did this!
This was the best one we could get...I remember when Madison went through this phase.  Now she just smiles and poses for the camera whenever I ask...It's a photographers dream come true!


Tamara said...

Darling little girls...and my how they are growing up!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

These pictures are so precious, Sarah. They seem to be more willing to let you photograph them.