Wednesday, September 01, 2010

"I going to the bathroom."

This phrase is fine when it's said in the house since half the time it just means Abby needs to go to the bathroom, but when it's said while standing in line at the post office, where there is no bathroom, is an entirely different experience. Yesterday Abby took her shoes off in the car and since this was our 4th place that day I thought I would just carry her into the post office and hold her until we left. When I entered there was a line of 15 people or way could I hold Abby the entire time. I was going to just leave, but knew it would be tough to come back later since Brian was on call that night, so I set Abby down and let her run around without shoes on. I made it to the front of the line, mailed some packages, talked with the manager about an issue, started to fill out forms (at this point there is no line now), and two people walk in as I am finishing. It's at this point Abby comes up to me, pulls on my shorts, and says, "Mommy I going to the bathroom." I look down and see no pee under her thankfully and look around frantically for a bathroom. I bend down and ask Abby, "Can you hold it?" to which she replies, "I already go." To my horror I look past Abby and see yellow puddles of urine starting at the toys she was playing with dotting the ground all the way to me. She had already gone and was soaked. I of course have no wipes (left diaper bag in car) and can't take her into a bathroom since there isn't one for the public. Well, one of the women working took pitty on me, annoyed but nice, and gave me some paper towels to clean it up and then led me back to the bathroom in the far back corner of the warehouse where Abby refused to go any more. I proceeded to take off her soaked underpants and wrap them in a napkin when the worker offered me a few more paper towels to wrap it in. We then walked all the way back out all the while the worker keeps glancing back at us making sure we don't steal someone's mail. Like I want more bills...please. We get back out to the main part and as I am gathering up my stuff a woman in line comments, "Oh, these floors are so dirty and she doesn't even have any shoes on. Why isn't she wearing shoes?" I am tempted to tell her that the floor is dirtier than she thinks and that the spot she is standing on had urine there seconds ago wiped up with only paper towels; Instead I just took Abby's hand and walked out to the car. I can laugh about it now, and I found it comical then, but couldn't laugh about it because the worker found it anything but comical! I love being a mom and wouldn't trade these moments for the world!!!!!!


Tamara said...

What a story...I can just see it now! Sorry we were the cause of you having to stand in that line. We got the mail today...thanks!

Emily said...

Oh Sarah, what a story! That's one thing I'm not looking forward to with trying to potty train Cannon is the accidents that will happen in public!