Thursday, July 08, 2010

Fun Things About MI

They have .5% milk here...I guess Skim and 1% weren't good enough:-)

You can go 70 mph legally on the freeway!

The saying is "If you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes" (This was the same saying in Newfoundland Canada on my mission:-)

They have what they call a Michigan turn where you have to go through the light and turn in a turn lane to go the opposite direction to get back to the intersection and go right...It's crazy, but they are all over here. They also have these crazy round abouts with 4-5 exits and two the three lanes...almost got in a car accident the other day:-)

The police will come and unlock your car if you lock your keys in them for FREE!!! They aren't too busy here:-) I know because I did it at Costco the other day with the car running:-) He was there within 5 minutes. I was also told to call 911 for that emergency:-)

We had a record breaking heat wave where they were opening cool spots all over the East coast for people to go to them and cool down. They were even giving people drinks with it!

We are loving our time in Ann Arbor and the girls are adjusting. Brian is doing great and we are all moved into our new apartment. Pictures to come. I still have to hang pictures and such. We have been so blessed it's unbelievable. I know now more than ever that my Heavenly Father is mindful of us! Even things he knows we need that we don't know we need he blesses us with:-) Life is good. Brian has the weekend off and we are all looking forward to that.

Oh, we got our first pay check. It was an amazing feeling putting money in the bank that was earned, not loan money. I can't wait to start paying off our loans! That will feel good. It's nice knowing Brian has skills enough to get paid. He is an MD now and has Brian Evans MD. on his tag now instead of Brian Evans Med.'s a whole new world. Still at the bottom of the totem pole, but not as far down:-)

1 comment:

Lacey Jay said...

sound fasinating! we've been praying for you guys everyday that your new adventure would be full of blessing and excitment. We miss you here TONS but am SO glad your doing well. can't wait to see pictures of your new place. we love you