Sunday, January 19, 2014

Alice Turns ONE!!!

My sweet Alice turned one today!  She is such a joy and highlight in our lives.  She has such a sweet, outgoing, explorative, observant personality.  She has started to mimic us and of course that makes us all laugh and act totally and inexplicably immature:-)  Some things that I love about her is her curtsy laugh when we are laughing, her love of getting into everything, her love of learning and trying new things, how she waves every time we go up the stairs for nap time even if there is now one in the living room to wave at, how she sucks on her hand to blow kisses, or how she says 'mama' with so much authority.  She truly keeps us all entertained and laughing most of the day.  Oh how she loves her freedom and independence already.  Watch out world!

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