Thursday, January 23, 2014

 Abby helping Alice Walk...look at those chubby thighs!  She got sick a few months later and lost a lot of that fat:-(

 My tree climber.  Abby gets to go to a birthday party and Madison isn't invited, so she asked if we could do something fun while Abby is at the birthday party.  I said, "like what?"  She said, "like walk around and climb trees."  I love my girls!!!
 Being silly on one of our daily summer walks.
 The girls took Alice on an adventure while I did a workout at the playground.  Don't they look like they are having fun?
 Madison begged for roller blades and prayed and we found them at the second hand store:-)
My first teeth!  Yah, I'm a big girl.
The girls coloring with Alice.
I brought Alice into the bathroom with me and she was just sitting there looking so cute.  I couldn't help but take a picture.
I am never in any pictures because I am always taking them, so I thought I would take a selfie with Alice:-)
The girls on their way to school!  First day for Kindergarten and 2nd grade!
We took the girls to Cedar Point the night before school started (Labor Day).  They loved it and still talk about it months later.
Alice scoots everywhere and we find her in the funniest places.
This was the first time she tried to pull up on's all downhill from here right?

How can you not smile when you see that?

Brian and I going out on a date for my birthday to a fancy restaurant.  We dressed up and everything.
Decorating gingerbread cookies!

Alice loved windows.  What does she see?...
Dr. visit...doesn't she look adorable in that gown?
Madison and Abigail being funny tonight.  They put their pajamas on upside down.  They couldn't stop laughing.
Here Alice is again climbing on things:-)
Grandma came to visit around Halloween and helped the girls make ghosts!  Thanks grandma McVea!!!
Madison as an indian with Seidi B. as Pocahontas.  How cute.  Seidi later became Madison's Primary teacher:-)

Looking through the Photobooks and remembering the good old days:-)

Alice loves doggies and so do the girls.
Madison reading to Abby!
Winter here they come!

Zoo time!  They all loved the zoo!  I think the monkey's were everyones favorite part.
Samuel the Lamanite and Nephi
"I've been caught."
Abigail and Ruby at Madison's Violin Recital.
I love it when they fall asleep in the car.
Acting out the Nativity on Christmas Eve Eve with some friends.
Waiting in line to visit Santa Clause.

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