Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It was like coming home...

I felt like I was coming home as I walked into Bally Gym.  The bikes, treadmills, and elypticals all feel so familiar.  I just love the feel of dumbbells in my hands and the familiarity of the bench.  It's not anything fancy, but it takes me back to High School Basketball and lifting everyday for seventh period.  I love the look of dumbbells all lined up against the mirrors.  I love to feel the burn as I try and do the 14th and 15th rep.  I love feeling sore and hungry all the time from working out.  The freedom to go whenever I want and not having to rely on Brian being home is like being back in college.  I feel so empowered and free.  It's not something I have felt since having kids:-)  I love the smell of a gym and seeing a bunch of people trying to be healthier.  I love to sweat and when I'm done with a hard workout feeling it in my lungs when I breathe for hours following.

I have to thank Brian who found this gym for me a few days before the promotion was ending of $30/mo. including childcare.  I was feeling...well, lets just say my eating disorder was bearing it's ugly head and Brian did something about it for me which meant so much.  I am so grateful to Brian for researching this for me and providing me this great freedom and life saver.  I can go and sit in a hot tub while someone watching my kids, or just ride a bike and watch TV or listen to music.  There is so much power in that I feel like a new woman and just had to share!!!!


Emily said...

I'm so glad you guys found a gym for you to go to! There is nothing like a good workout to keep you sane as a busy mom! Can't wait to see you guys!!

Valli & Coleman McVea said...

I too am so happy for you Sarah to have time out when you need or want it. Love you sweetie!

SP said...

JEALOUS!!! I am so happy you have this!!!