Sunday, November 07, 2010

Funny Abby/ Madison Teaches me...

Abby was looking for her pink shorts (even though it feels like winter here) and when I found them for her she said, "That's what I was finding for."

When I woke up a few mornings ago there was frost on the ground so I pointed it out to the girls and Abby kept saying, "There is frosting on the ground" and then she would look up and say, "the trees are broken" meaning the leaves are falling off the trees.  I love what she says!

Sunday morning:

After the whole Halloween on Sunday fiasco and Madison in tears when I told her "we don't trick-or-treat on Sunday because it's the Sabbath day and we keep the Sabbath Day holy."  To that she replied, "I don't want to keep the Sabbath Day Holy."  I was feeling a bit deflated and sad that she didn't want to keep the Sabbath Day holy.  Had I taught her right?

I have felt impressed to study my scriptures in the morning and not at night and so I started Saturday morning.  Madison had come in on Saturday and saw me studying my scriptures.  I didn't think much of it and just put my scriptures away once the kids woke up and played for 20 minutes before coming in my room.  But on Sunday morning I heard Madison wake up, crawl out of bed without waking Abby, and sneak into my room.  As she came into my room I noticed she had her Book of Mormon.  She didn't say a word as she climbed up on Brian's side of the bed, opened her scripture case and pulled out her scriptures and started to read them with me.  Of course she can't read, but it touched my heart so deeply.  I was reassured that she did want to be good and is such a spiritual giant.  I pulled her over to me and we read scriptures together in Alma 45.  She hasn't done it since, but it was a great experience for me.   My girls really are watching me and observing what I do and how I live.  I feel so blessed to have Abby and Madison for daughters.  I know they are spiritual giants and have so much to teach me.

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