Friday, January 04, 2013

Flu Shot Time

So, Brian and I took Madison and Abby to get their flu shots.  Our last experience getting shots was one I would rather forget!  I had tried earlier to get the flu shot for the girls, but every time I even mentioned the word 'shot', Abby would melt into a big sobbing pile of mess.  So, this time when Brian and I discussed it, we decided not to tell the girls until the nurse came into the room to give them their shots.  Madison was walking in and out of the room while Brian and I were discussing and picked up on why we were going to the Dr., so she knew.  She didn't tell Abby though and was very calm and collected.  As we waited in the Dr. office I just braced myself for the worst.  When the nurse came in, Madison went first and just laid on the table for her and I held her arms as the nurse put Madison's legs between her legs.  Madison was so brave and didn't even cry.  Abby was next and thanks to Madison's example just jumped on the examination table for her turn for the shot.  As I held her hands I felt her tiny little heart beating so fast, but she didn't cry either and tried to be just as brave as Madison.  It was such a miracle and showed me that Madison is getting older and more perceptive.  Brian commented afterwards that we can't say much around Madison any more without her picking up on it.  Goodness, we can't even spell things anymore, she can decipher that now.  We walked out of the Dr. office and I felt like I had just received a tender mercy from the Lord.


kimi + joe said...

Oh, what a wonderful big sister Madison is... and so brave. Glad you did not have a repeat of last time.

BTW, we just returned from the holidays in New Hampshire with Joe's family and visiting the Menders. Sure wish you were still there and I hope your Christmas was grand!

Tamara said...

They are growing up!! :( So sad to be so far away! Tell Madison I am so proud of her for being so brave and showing Abby how to be brave. Proud of Abby too! Love You All