Tuesday, September 06, 2011

A Few Firsts...

Today was Madison's first day of Kindergarten.  She was so excited to meet her teacher, learn, be in a classroom, have recess, eat in the lunchroom, etc.  We arrived a bit late and it was chaos as all the parents were dropping off their children, taking pictures out front, unloading buses, cars going every which way, lost looks (on the parents faces, not children), and scurrying here and there.  We finally found Madison's classroom, which happened to be the second to last classroom of over 20.  She signed her name, put her lunchbox in a basket, saw a friend from the neighborhood, hung up her coat and backpack, and found her seat.  I thought there might be a teary goodbye since we saw a mom leaving with tears pouring down her cheeks, but no.  No tears by Madison or me.  Madison was so ready and prepared that the kiss and hug goodbye was demanded by me, not her.  Abby and I went back for lunch to help all the new kindergartners and see Madison where we found out she lost her tooth during snack time and had it in her backpack.  It was her first official lost tooth!  Abby sat down and ate lunch with Madison and loved it. Then Brian, Madison, and I picked her up after school and she biked home with a huge grin on her face.  It was tough to get her to talk, but she shared a few experiences about her teacher being funny, that she loves school, and that was about it.  Later she showed us some drawings, but it wasn't until she talked to Grandma Evans on Skype that it all came out.  Drawings, the schedule, where she sits for story time, etc.  We may have to get the real report from G. Evans:-)  Then this evening the tooth fairy came and left her some money.  She was so excited!  She found out tonight since we had to take out her staples.  Brian was able to pick up a staple remover kit and tried to take them out earlier today which caused a huge outburst.  She was not going to let us remove them, so we decided to do it when she was asleep.  It worked like a charm and she didn't even wake up until we moved her to her room since she fell asleep in the guest room.  It pays to have a Dr. for a husband and dad.  It would have been another traumatic experience at the Dr. office with them holding her down while her Dr. took them out.  Many firsts for today, but good ones.  I love being a mom and Madison is such a doll.  It was good to have her home later in the day:-)  Pictures to come.

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