Monday, June 06, 2011

Fasting vs. paying tithing...

I know which one I would choose to do, but for Madison is was different.  During breakfast I explained to the girls that I wouldn't be eating with them since I was fasting.  Madison had prayed once to learn how to fast back when everyone fasted for her to sleep through the night without an accident.  So after breakfast she announced that she wanted to fast too.  I told her it meant not eating anything and that she needed to fast for a purpose.  She said she would fast for:  Her to be a better big sister to Abby, for Abby to be a good sister, and for mom to make new good things that she will like (food).  She then went and said a prayer to start her fast.  It was right before church and I was trying to be a good mom and help Madison and Abby pay their tithing.  Well, since it was Madison's birthday last month she had quite a bit of tithing to pay.  I dumped out the money and had her count it along with Abby. Abby had fun putting in the envelope and couldn't wait to lick it while Madison was distraught about giving her money away.  She kept saying over and over again through tears, "But then I won't have any money.  Can we put it in savings instead?  I want to use it for spending money.  It looks like spending money."  She was convulsing by this point and beyond reckoning with.  Abby then joined it and said she didn't want to give away her money either.  At this point I told Madison that we wouldn't give her tithing to the Bishop until next Sunday after we have a FHE about it and if she still doesn't want to pay it she doesn't have to.  The pressure was on.  Madison was willing to fast, but not pay her tithing.  I can handle that.  Madison made it all the way to Sacrament and then said she was done fasting (she knew Abby got snacks after the Sacrament was passed) so she turned around in her seat on the floor and folding her arms kneeled on the pew and closed her fast.  Fast forward to FHE Monday night:  I had bought a bag of jelly beans and had the Scripture in Malachi 3:8 ready to read.  We sang "I am a Child of God" and then Abby said the opening prayer.  I had prayed before the lesson that Madison would understand the doctrine I was about to teach.  After the prayer I read the scripture focusing on the fact that it was God's money in the first place and that he only asks for 1/10th back and then he will pour out blessings, more than we can receive.  I then gave each of the girls ten jelly beans and asked for one back.  They both agreed (reluctantly) and I pointed out that then the Lord could bless them.  I had them hold out both hands holding the 9 jelly beans and began to pour the jelly beans into their hands until they were overflowing and spilling onto the couch, legs, and such.  This just made them laugh with joy at receiving so many jelly beans and having me spill them all over.  I then read the scripture again as they stared at the jelly beans all around them.  We talked about blessings the Lord is willing and wants to bless them with as they pay their tithing.  I then asked Madison is she wanted to pay her tithing on Sunday and without even having to think about it said, "Yes!  Do I get to eat all of these?"  They were so giddy and excited about the lesson and I feel that the Spirit taught them what tithing is, why we pay it, and that it's a commandment.  I learned this on my mission from Sister Call.  Sorry I'm babbling, but this is for Madison to read later.  I then read an excerpt my mom had typed up from her journal about me paying tithing when I was 5 3/4 years old.  It was neat to show Madison how I payed my tithing when I was her age.

1 comment:

Tracy Cowley said...

Oh the memories this brings back. Except I think we used skittles. Hehehe. I'm glad Madison and Abbey were able to understand the law of tithing. I remember when I gave a talk about this with the one of the High Council men after my mission and I liked what he said about the promise the Lord gives us for paying our tithing in vs 11. He said that the devourer is Satin and that the fruits of our grounds is our family and the Lord has promised if we pay our tithing that our families will be protected. It was kind of funny because when we gave this talk the fire alarm had gone off and I had given my talk but the High Councilman hadn't and when we got back in he only had 10 minutes to talk. Either way the Spirit was really strong and that part of his talk stayed in my memory. Okay I'll stop blabbing now. :) Love you all!